Finding Better Windows

Two Questions To Ask When Replacing A Window Pane

Windows are a perennial weak spot in a home because glass is a poor insulator. In fact, if you have nothing more than single-pane windows, they will have an r-value of about 1. In case you aren't sure what that means, its not good. Manufacturers have devised all sorts of ways to boost the energy efficiency of a window. When a window breaks, you have an opportunity to boost the energy efficiency of your home if you know what to ask.

What Kind of Gas Will You Use?

The whole point of using two or three panes in a window is not to increase the amount of glass between the inside of your home and the outside world. Instead, manufacturers are trying to trap gas between the panes of glass. The right gas will decrease the thermal conductivity of the window and better insulate your home. Discount windows will use either atmospheric air or oxygen. For better thermal efficiency, you should ask for argon. While krypton is a better insulator than argon, it is almost prohibitively expensive. Argon has 67% less thermal conductivity than air, and for its cost, it is the best gas fill for a window.

Can You Install Window Film?

While using a good gas fill is important, it is not the only step you should take to improve the energy efficiency of your home. The sun's UV rays will travel right through a window no matter what gas fill you use. Once inside these rays will heat up the interior surfaces of your home and cause your AC unit to work harder to cool things back down. A transparent yet reflective window film will filter out these UV rays and keep your home cooler. A good window film will also reflect heat back into your home during the winter, so it can cut your AC bill by 23% and your heating costs by 25%. 

Replacing one pane of gas may not make a huge difference in heating and cooling your home, but it is still important. Replacing every window in your home at one time can be quite expensive, so you may want to start one window at a time. As long as you choose the right windows for your home, you stand to save a lot of money. When it comes to window replacement, you definitely have to spend a little money up front in order to save money over the long run.

To learn more, contact a company like Distinctive Siding & Window
