Finding Better Windows

Keep Your New Vinyl Siding Looking New

With a little regular maintenance, you could get up to 60 years of life from your new vinyl house siding. By keeping the surface clean, you'll prevent damage to the siding and your house will look new for years. Here are some ways to get the most from this investment in your home.

Dangers to Your Vinyl Siding

Several natural factors can reduce the look and life of your vinyl siding, such as:

  • tree pollen
  • bird droppings
  • mold and mildew
  • tree sap
  • holes created by insects and birds

A number of man-made chemicals can also damage your siding if allowed to sit on it for long periods.

  • herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers
  • household cleaning chemicals
  • motor oil, brake fluid and transmission fluid
  • asphalt sealers used on driveways

Keeping Your Siding Clean

Remove substances that splash or collect on your siding as soon as you can. The longer the material stays on the vinyl siding, the more likely the finish will be marred. The following tips let you gently clean the siding without damaging the finish:

  • Mix equal amounts of white vinegar and water to create a cleaning solution that is effective against dirt, bird droppings, pollen, tree sap, mold and mildew.
  • Use only a soft cloth or brush to scrub the surface, taking care not to use too much pressure.
  • To remove grease, ink or other tough materials, scrub the siding with a non-chlorine cleaner and rinse the surface off well with fresh water.
  • Start at the top of the siding and work down to prevent the cleaning solution from dripping down and creating streaks on the surface.

Power Washing Guidelines

Be careful with a power washer if you use it to clean the siding.

  • Only use the lowest setting on the power washer.
  • Point the washer straight at the siding panels. Angling the washer nozzle upward can force water up under the siding panels and could lift a panel away from the house.
  • Stop before you get to the window and door trim so you don't force water into the space where the siding panel meets those pieces.

Dealing With Sun Damage to Your Siding

Vinyl siding that is constantly exposed to the sun can develop a dry, chalky substance on the surface. This dulls the finish of the siding. It can easily be removed with a little warm, soapy water. Rinse the siding well with fresh water after scrubbing away the chalky substance.

If your siding has seen better days, talk to a company like Cornerstone Home Improvement to learn about your replacement options. Then, follow the advice above to keep your new siding looking fresh and clean.
