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3 Easy Ways To Prevent Mildew In Your Newly Remodeled Bathroom

If you've recently had your bathroom remodeled and are interested in the best ways to keep it clean in the future, you need to pay special attention to your shower enclosure. Whether you have your standard shower curtain or you opted for a glass shower door, some extra care needs to be put into the bathroom in order to ensure that mildew does not become a problem. By following the right steps, your bathroom can be free of mildew and you'll breathe easier as a result.

Get a Bathroom Ventilation Fan Installed

An easy way to cut down on a lot of potential mildew in your bathroom is through getting a ventilation fan installed. Many people underestimate how much mildew can be created simply by having the shower door shut or keeping the warm air stagnant after showering. A good way to cut down on mildew is simply having a ventilation fan installed that will help circulate the air.

Keep a Glass Shower Door Squeegee on Hand

For remodeled bathrooms that have a glass shower door, you want to do your best to make sure that the shower door is cleaned thoroughly after each shower. Luckily, this is as simple as keeping a squeegee in the shower, allowing you to wipe down the door after each use. By getting the shower door completely dry after stepping out, the chance of any mildew growth will be reduced significantly.

Crack Open a Window After Showering

Another way to help circulate the air in your bathroom is by simply opening a window. While you may not be comfortable having the window open while showering due to privacy concerns, cracking open a window can help allow in a breeze and get rid of any warm air in the bathroom.

If you still want extra privacy in your remodeled bathroom, consider adding window film to the windows. By using window film, you'll feel comfortable having the windows slightly cracked without feeling as vulnerable.

By knowing how to keep mildew out of your bathroom, you'll be able to enjoy the remodeled bathroom without as much concern towards cleaning later on. Since mildew can be unattractive to the eye and even lead to breathing issues if it grows unchecked for months, you will want to make sure that you understand what to do to keep mildew from growing in the bathroom at any point in the future.  
