Finding Better Windows

Add Window Film To Your Windows

Adding film to your windows is one of the easiest ways to make them a little more efficient. This article focuses on why window films are so effective, and how to best apply them.

Tinted and Clear Films

First of all, many people only think of tinted films that darken the window and block the UV rays. In reality, tinted films are not always necessary. In fact, they might not be the best choice for many of the windows around your house. A tinted film is only really helpful on a window that receives direct sunlight. It will help to reduce the sun rays and decrease how much of the sun actually reaches the inside of your home. So, they can be extremely useful on windows and rooms that receive a lot of direct sunlight, and get hot because of it.

For the majority of your windows though, clear films will do just fine. Many people prefer clear film because they don't walk too much light and make the rooms darker. However, even a clear film can add insulation to your glass. The layer of film, though thin, can make any window more insulated. This means that during the winter, your window won't be so cold to the touch. Similarly, during the summer, the heat bearing down on the outside of your glass will not have sent such a major impact on the temperature on the inside.

They are Easy to Apply

One of the best things about window films is that they can be applied very easily. The film will come with the adhesive that you need to secure it to the glass. The only other things you need are a razor blade and a squeegee. After you clean your glass, you apply the liquid adhesive directly to it. Then, you roll the film onto the glass. Use the squeegee to smooth it out, flatten it, and get rid of all the air bubbles. Then, cut the film along the edge of the window sash. Finally, go back over the edges with the squeegee to make sure they are pushed down tightly in the corners after they are cut. You can do this to add film to both the inside and outside of the pane.

Since you don't need any expensive tools or skills for this job, it can be a great DIY project, and one of the easiest ways to increase the insulation of your glass. Contact a company like JFK Window & Door Co for more information and assistance. 
