Finding Better Windows

The Benefits Of Faux Wood Interior Window Shutters

There are many benefits to selecting interior window shutters to cover your windows. Interior window shutters add the most value to your home, add a lot of character and style, and tend to offer the best energy savings when it comes to window treatments. If you are looking to add window shutters to your home, one of the biggest decisions you will have to make is whether to go with real wood shutters or faux wood shutters. Faux wood has many benefits over real wood shutters. Here are a few of those benefits. 

Faux Wood Is Typically Cheaper

One of the benefits of faux wood interior shutters is that faux wood shutters tend to be cheaper than real wood shutters. It is important to note that real wood shutters can be made from a variety of different types of wood. Some types are cheaper and others are more expensive. As such, you may occasionally come across real wood shutters that are cheaper than faux wood. But as a general rule of thumb, faux wood tends to be the cheaper choice when it comes to interior window shutters. 

Faux Wood is More Durable Than Real Wood

The second advantage of faux wood interior window shutters is that faux wood is more durable than real wood. Real wood can begin to dry out and crack as the sun beats down on it or can warp and split when it gets wet or is placed in a humid environment. Faux wood does not crack, split, or warp. This helps faux wood shutters to last longer, especially if they are going to be placed in an environment where these conditions are present. 

Faux Wood is Easier to Clean Than Real Wood

The final benefits associated with faux wood interior window shutters is that faux wood is typically easier to clean than real wood. Most types of faux wood material can be cleaned with a soapy water or common household cleaning products. Unfortunately though, wood cannot be cleaned with these items. Special wood soaps need to be used, or the wood can dry out. These soaps can be expensive to buy and take more time to use. If you want cleaning the shutters to be as simple and affordable as possible, faux wood may be the better choice for you. 

Faux wood shutters are typically cheaper, tend to be more durable, and are easier to clean than real wood. If these benefits appeal to you, faux wood interior shutters may be the right decision for you. Contact a window shutter contractor today to learn more about window shutters or to obtain an estimate to have them installed in your home. 
