Finding Better Windows

Reduce Allergies This Spring With The Installation Of New Windows

With spring around the corner, you may be thinking about cleaning and the difference it can make in how comfortable your home is. If you're someone that suffers from spring allergies and have experienced symptoms indoors, your windows could be the culprit. 

You may be surprised how many allergens enter your home through your windows and the difference that new windows can make. Consider the following benefits of new windows so you can have them replaced before spring arrives. 

Screen Options

One of the most significant reductions in allergens entering your home is through the screens on your windows. Even if your existing windows have screens already, there could be issues where pollen and other allergens still make it through. Replacing your windows is an excellent opportunity for you to look at different types of screens and choose one that blocks most allergens. 

Look for screens designed to block allergens and airborne particles instead of choosing the cheapest or most commonly available screens for sale. These screens will allow you to bring in fresh air without the concern of allergies getting inside as well. 


If you have concerns about allergens still getting inside with the windows closed, it could be due to a lack of insulation. Air can get into your home due to gaps between the framing and other parts of your windows. This can be noticeable on hot or cold days when you stand close to the windows since the temperature could feel significantly different. You may also notice a draft when standing near the windows on windy days. 

New windows with improved insulation can ensure that allergens are kept out and that your home is much more comfortable. 


Along with considering the difference new windows can make in keeping allergens out of your home, you'll also want to understand the maintenance involved. Old windows could have cracks and other defects that could allow in pollen and other allergens. There could also be concerns about mildew from moisture getting into the window cracks, making a noticeable difference in air quality.

Window replacement is an excellent investment for your home since it will make a drastic difference when it comes to your allergies. If you're someone that experiences allergic reactions regularly and you want your home to be much more comfortable before spring arrives, consider replacing your windows. The above benefits can make it easier for you to move forward with installing new windows before the arrival of spring. 

For more information about window replacement services, contact a local company.
